Laser Equipment Seminar |
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What is AngeLight IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)?
IPL involves the use of a broad, yet controlled spectrum of light to remove stretch marks, sun damage, age spots and acne scars, in addition to preventing hair regrowth on all skin types.
Contrary to popular belief, IPL is not a laser device. IPL nevertheless use light for treatment that is converted into thermal energy to destroy cells that produce melanin or broken capillaries that lead to the appearance of spider veins.
IPL is a non-invasive and non-ablative procedure, which means it doesn’t require anesthesia or even sedation to be performed. It is non-ablative, since the broad spectrum of light penetrates the dermal layer of the skin without harming or injuring the epidermis of skin. Furthermore, since the wavelengths can be filtered, IPL doesn’t have any negative effect on the neighboring cells and tissues of the targeted area.
Thus, it is evident that there are minimal risk associated with IPL and no downtime. It is therefore often dubbed as a lunchtime procedure.
What can AngeLight IPL can remove?
- Spider veins and broken capillaries
- Sun damage
- Age spots and freckles
- Acne
- Stretch marks
- Birthmarks
- Unwanted hair
Who are the Candidates for AngeLight IPL?
IPL is effective in treating vascular lesions that result in spider or telangiectasia veins. These are veins whose capillaries have been broken, leading to the appearance of the veins on the surface of the skin. IPL can be used to blast these broken capillaries, destroy them eventually, restricting the blood flow into these veins, and let the veins die until they are reabsorbed by the body. However, the actual effects of IPL still depend on the severity, size, and site of the vascular lesions. IPL can also be used to lighten prominent birthmarks by destroying the pigment-producing cells that cause the discoloration.
Moreover the technique is also effective in treating skin conditions caused by prolonged or consistent exposure to the sun (photo damage). These include age spots and freckles. It can also treat melisma, acne, and stretch marks. What the technology does is destroy the cells that produce melanin, the pigment that provides color to the skin. Once these cells are destroyed, the body is forced to generate newer skin cells, leading to a more even complexion.
IPL can also be used for hair removal on various parts of the body by destroying the follicles that produce hair.
Since the treatment is extensive, it usually takes at least three treatments before the desired results are achieved. The sessions are spaced a month apart to give the skin enough time to heal.
**Students attending this Seminar should already have an Esthetician Certificate in Facials (Proof of Certificate must be Presented at time of Registration).
**Class Cost is FREE for the Class. A Deposit of $ 25 to hold reservation is required. Deposit is redeemable after class has been attended for purchase of in store products at Fernanda’s Beauty and Spa Supplies On the date of the Seminar scheduled. Any No Show’s will forfeit the deoposit. Limited Seating is Available for this Seminar. All attendees must register prior to course date.
Call for 905-625-8460 for more Information or Click on the Link for Further Information and/or to Register.
Limited Seating Available!